Liptovsky Mikulas is an important centre of turist activity here. The huge water-reservoir Liptovska Mara is situated a bit way from Liptovsky Mikulas to the east. In the surrounds there are well-known places, Demanovska valley and Demanovska cave.
The basic of this town was the small settlement St. Nicholas from 13rd century. Name of the town is derived from St. Nicolas. He is a spirit patron of a local church, which was build on a place of an old pagan´s cemetery. In the middle of 19th century the town become a significant place in Slovakia a centre of Slovak culture and national life. The first public library and the first amateur theatre have been built here. The most interesting place in the town is the Gothic chuch of St. Nicholas situted in the centre. Next points of interest are the „Mestsky dům“, a cathedral, the Museum of Liptov or the church in Paludze where the legendary national hero- Juraj Janosik, had been prisoned in, in 1713.